The Truth About Seachem Prime & Safe: Do They Work?

Aquarists oftentimes turn to products like Seachem Safe and Seachem Prime to detoxify Ammonia and Nitrite in their tanks. But do these products actually work? According to the available science and testing, there is no proof or explanation that Seachem Prime and Safe detoxify ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate.

This article is an opinion piece using the information available to the public on these products. This article is not meant to deter you from Seachem, and truthfully I even use these products in my own aquariums.

Seachem’s Claims About Detoxifying Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate

Seachem Prime and Safe are said to detoxify ammonia by converting it into a non-toxic form that fish and aquatic organisms can tolerate until it gets processed by the tank’s biological filter.

Seachem also claims that these products neutralize nitrites and nitrates, but don’t explain how these products work.

What the Science Says

An examination of these claims, however, gives us a complex situation.

While the products are effective in neutralizing chlorine and chloramines, there is no explanation or proof that they impact ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels.

Scientific analyses by say that the chemical processes described by Seachem may oversimplify the chemistry.

Do Seachem Prime & Safe Really Detoxify Ammonia?

Detoxifying ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate in an aquarium setting takes biological processes, mostly by beneficial bacteria in the water. These microorganisms convert harmful ammonia to nitrites and then to nitrates. Nitrates are a less harmful substance that can be removed through water changes and plants.

The role of conditioners, like Seachem Prime and Safe, in this process is to provide a safer environment as the tank is cycling or after water changes.

According to this article by aquarium science, showed that Prime and Safe did NOT do anything to detoxify anything. It’s important to note that the author of that article has a chemistry degree and is very much qualified to test and conclude these things. The same author proved without a doubt that both of these products are Sodium dithionite, which is easily identified by its smell. This chemical does not do what Seachem claims.

However Seachem continues to deny that these products are in fact Sodium dithionite. Although they deny this, they refuse to give any sort of indication as to what is actually in Prime and Safe.

Verdict: Does Prime & Safe Reduce or Detoxify Toxic Nitrogen?

The decision to use Seachem Prime and Safe should be based on your understanding of the products and their limitations.

While it’s effective for immediate detoxification of chloramines and chlorine, relying on these products for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate detoxification may be risky.

A comprehensive approach, with regular water testing, biological filtration, and consistent maintenance, is your best bet until Seachem provides real evidence for these claims.


I’m Jake

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