My name is Jake, I’m the creator of I designed this site for fellow aquarists to get accurate, straightforward information on all topics of fish keeping. I’m very excited to have you here and I hope you learn something new from my site!

A little about myself, the author. I fell in love with fish keeping when I got a job at a pet store that focused on freshwater and saltwater fish. Soon enough, I was the one in charge of all 100+ freshwater tanks at the store. I gained real life experience and knowledge of just about every freshwater fish you could think of. I have extensive knowledge of aquarium products, fish diseases and medications, compatibility, and even breeding. At home, I have a fish room housing 13 tank ranging from 5 gallons to 125 gallons. I would consider myself a trusted expert of freshwater aquariums, and I can promise you that the information you get from this site will be accurate to the absolute best of my abilities.

I’m Jake

Welcome to the most comprehensive aquarium blog on the internet! I created this website to help fellow hobbyists so that they can improve their fish keeping skills.